Say L’Chaim – Liqueur

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LIQUEUR, ALSO KNOWN as a cordial, is an alcoholic beverage made from spirits (often rectified spirit – a highly concentrated and purified alcohol) and flavored with ingredients, such as sugar, fruits, herbs, and spices. Liqueurs always require proper kosher certification due to the added flavorings.

The following popular beverages are considered liqueurs and should have a reliable kosher certification:
Amaretto: A sweet Italian liqueur. Depending on the brand, it may be made from apricot kernels, bitter almonds, peach stones, or almonds.
Arak: Typically made from a grape-based spirit, although it can also be made from figs, plums, or raisins.
Curaçao: A liqueur made from the dried peels of the lahara orange, a bitter citrus fruit.
Goldwasser: A root and herbal liqueur. Its most prominent characteristic is small flakes of 23-karat gold suspended in it. The drink also includes herbs and spices such as cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, lavender, thyme, coriander, and juniper, and has a syrupy texture.
Sloe gin: A British red liqueur made with gin and blackthorn fruits (sloes).

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