Consumer Q&A: Wasa Crackers

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Q Are Wasa crackers Pas Yisroel, and what are the correct brochos to recite over them?
A Yes, Wasa crackers bearing the OK symbol are Pas Yisroel. The ovens are turned on and controlled by our mashgichim who visit the manufacturing facilities.

The correct brocha rishonah is hamotzi, just like matzah. This ruling is because Wasa crackers are initially baked as large flatbreads, which are only cut into cracker-sized pieces after baking.

If one eats a kezayis, they would be required to say Birkas Hamazon. Each Wasa cracker is 9 grams. Therefore, eating 2 or less would not require Birkas Hamazon (according to most opinions), eating 3 or more would require Birkas Hamazon according to most opinions, and between 2-3 is a safek and should be avoided.

(There is a dissenting opinion that argues that since the intention all along was to cut them  down to cracker sized pieces, they are mezonos even though they were first baked as a large flat bread. According to this opinion, the brocha acharonah is Al Hamichya, unless one ate the amount of a kevius seuda. This is not the policy of OK Kosher.)

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