Consumer Q&A

Q I have heard that when pureeing berries or greens, there is no need to check them first for insects. My question is, if I already checked something and found it to be infested and too difficult to clean, can I proceed with blending it into a
smoothie instead of throwing it out?
A There is a principle of “ein mevatlin issue l’chatchila” (one cannot purposely nullify something that is not kosher). If it is a safeik issue (possibly assur), like berries that have been washed, and one is pureeing them because they want a smoothie, then it is permitted.3 If one checked the berries or greens and found insects, the produce cannot be pureed and used unless it is washed thoroughly and the likelihood of bugs is down to a safeik AND one is doing it because they genuinely want a smoothie and not as an way to save the produce.

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