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All Star Specialties Corp. is no longer certified by OK Kosher Certification

All Star Specialties Corp. is no longer certified by OK Kosher Certification

2 Shevat 5781 - January 15, 2021

Please be advised that All Star Specialties Corp. 29 Wyandanch Ave. Wyandanch, NY 11798, is no longer certified by OK Kosher Certification, due to kashrus violations.Products produced after January 1, 2021 are not under OK certification.

limited amount of Kodiak Cakes Frontier Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Mix has been mislabeled with a plain OK symbol instead of the required OK-DE

limited amount of Kodiak Cakes Frontier Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Mix has been mislabeled with a plain OK symbol instead of the required OK-DE

23 Kislev 5781 - December 9, 2020

Please be advised that A limited amount of Kodiak Cakes Frontier Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Mix has been mislabeled with a plain OK symbol instead of the required OK-DE . This product is certified kosher, dairy equipment. Corrective actions are being taken.

GreenWorld Best Foods Marshmallows bear an unauthorized OK kosher symbol

15 Kislev 5781 - December 1, 2020

Please be advised that GreenWorld Best Foods Marshmallows of Ontario, L4W1R8 bear an unauthorized OK kosher symbol. These products are NOT certified by OK Kosher Certification. Corrective actions are being taken.

A limited number of the following Arctic Zero products have been mislabeled with a plain OK: Cherry Chocolate Chunk

A limited number of the following Arctic Zero products have been mislabeled with a plain OK: Cherry Chocolate Chunk

1 Kislev 5781 - November 17, 2020

Please be advised that A limited number of the following Arctic Zero products have been mislabeled with a plain OK: Cherry Chocolate Chunk: 05/27/22 Brownie Blast: 07/07/22, 07/08/22 Cookie Dough Chunk: 09/04/22 These products are certified kosher dairy. Corrective actions are being taken.

Various cookie products sold by Penn Dutch Cookie & Biscuit LLC bear an unauthorized OK Kosher symbol

Various cookie products sold by Penn Dutch Cookie & Biscuit LLC bear an unauthorized OK Kosher symbol

17 Cheshvan 5781 - November 4, 2020

Please be advised that Various cookie products sold by Penn Dutch Cookie & Biscuit LLC bear an unauthorized OK Kosher symbol. This company and their products are not certified by OK Kosher Certification. Corrective actions are being taken.

product Cranberry Granola Low Fat has been mislabeled with a plain OK symbol

product Cranberry Granola Low Fat has been mislabeled with a plain OK symbol

12 Cheshvan 5781 - October 30, 2020

Please be advised that the product Cranberry Granola Low Fat has been mislabeled with a plain OK symbol.
This product is kosher, dairy equipment.
The following brands are affected:
P&C Fresh Supermarkets
Gourmet Fresh
Fairway Market
Delicious Gourmet Market
Central Produce Market
Bressler & Bressler
Mcquade’s Mystic
Highland Park
Food City
West Side
Village Market
Action Corrective actions are being taken.

Eden Whole Dried Shiitake Mushrooms now require checking for tolaim, even when bearing the OK symbol

Eden Whole Dried Shiitake Mushrooms now require checking for tolaim, even when bearing the OK symbol

26 Tishrei 5781 - October 14, 2020

Please be advised that Eden Whole Dried Shiitake Mushrooms now require checking for tolaim, even when bearing the OK symbol. We recommend the following steps be taken to verify that any given batch of this product is permitted to be eaten:
– Place the mushrooms in sealed clear plastic container with lukewarm water.
– Agitate vigorously.
– Place mushrooms in colander under a heavy spray of lukewarm water from the sink while shaking the mushrooms.
– Place mushrooms again in a sealed container with lukewarm water.
– Agitate vigorously.
– Place a 50 micron mesh cloth between two colanders.
– Place mushrooms in colander under a heavy spray of lukewarm water from the sink while shaking the mushrooms.
– Filter the water in the colanders through the mesh.
– Remove and inspect the mesh cloth on a light box.
– The container should not be overloaded. Only a modest amount of mushrooms should be placed into the container at once. – Repeat process until no insects are found.
Please see our OK Kosher Vegetable Checking Guide (available online or as an app) for complete instructions on checking various types of produce.
Based on these findings, we will be suspending certification of this product until further notice. This advisory does not apply to any other OK-certified Eden Foods products.

The Hummus Guy Creamy Meze Three Layer Dip bears an unauthorized OK symbol

The Hummus Guy Creamy Meze Three Layer Dip bears an unauthorized OK symbol

17 Tishrei 5781 - October 6, 2020

Please be advised that The Hummus Guy Creamy Meze Three Layer Dip, (Torrance, CA 90501) sold in farmers markets and supermarkets in Californa, bears an unauthorized OK symbol. This product is not kosher.
Corrective actions are being taken.

Baresi brand of the Company Joseph Rutigliano & Sons IncEdison are usingUnauthorized OK Kosher Symbol on Various packaged baked goods

Baresi brand of the Company Joseph Rutigliano & Sons IncEdison are usingUnauthorized OK Kosher Symbol on Various packaged baked goods

5 Tishrei 5781 - September 23, 2020

Please be advised that Various packaged baked goods under the brand Baresi are being sold bearing an unauthorized OK trademark.
These products are not certified by OK Kosher Certification.
The product are Taralli, Ciambelle, Friselle, and Biscotti.
The Company is Joseph Rutigliano & Sons Inc Edison, NJ 08837
Corrective actions are being taken.

Boulevard (located at 16610 Ventura Blvd, CA 91436) is no longer under the supervision of OK Kosher Certification

Boulevard (located at 16610 Ventura Blvd, CA 91436) is no longer under the supervision of OK Kosher Certification

16 Av 5780 - August 6, 2020

Please be advised that The Boulevard (located at 16610 Ventura Blvd, CA 91436) is no longer under the supervision of OK Kosher Certification