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A limited amount of Hickory Harvest Gummy Bears were mistakenly labeled with an OK Kosher symbol

A limited amount of Hickory Harvest Gummy Bears were mistakenly labeled with an OK Kosher symbol

26 Adar 5778 - March 13, 2018

Please be advised that A limited amount of Hickory Harvest Gummy Bears were mistakenly labeled with an OK Kosher symbol. This product is NOT KOSHER. Corrective actions are being taken.

All Alfasi Reserve wines produced before 2017 are not mevushal.

All Alfasi Reserve wines produced before 2017 are not mevushal.

20 Adar 5778 - March 7, 2018

Please be advised that All Alfasi Reserve wines of Royal Wine Corp. Bayonne, NJ 07002 produced before 2017 are not mevushal. The 2017 Alfasi Reserve wines are mevushal, as stated in English, but bottles may be mislabeled with the words ‘Not Mevushal’ in Hebrew.

Kosherland has been using an unauthorized OK kosher symbol.

Kosherland has been using an unauthorized OK kosher symbol.

15 Adar 5778 - March 2, 2018

Please be advised that Kosherland (9467 Harding Ave, Surfside, FL 33154) has been using an unauthorized OK kosher symbol. This supermarket has not been certified by OK Kosher Certification since 2013. Corrective actions have been taken.

Alyssa’s Bakery has decided to change the kosher status of all their products from OK Pareve to OK-D Dairy

Alyssa’s Bakery has decided to change the kosher status of all their products from OK Pareve to OK-D Dairy

8 Adar 5778 - February 23, 2018

Please be advised that Alyssa’s Bakery has decided to change the kosher status of all their products of Alyssa’s BakeryJupiter, FL 33477 from OK Pareve to OK-D Dairy. New packaging will bear the OK-D symbol as required. Any remaining products bearing a plain OK symbol are pareve.

A limited amount of Woodpecker Natural Yogurt Pretzels mistakenly bear a plain OK symbol instead of the required OK-D

A limited amount of Woodpecker Natural Yogurt Pretzels mistakenly bear a plain OK symbol instead of the required OK-D

5 Adar 5778 - February 20, 2018

Please be advised that A limited amount of Woodpecker Natural Raspberry Flavored Yogurt Pretzels and Woodpecker Natural Blueberry Flavored Yogurt Pretzels of Cibo Vita, Inc. Fair Lawn, NJ 07410, mistakenly bear a plain OK symbol instead of the required OK-D . These products are kosher and dairy, and correctly list dairy ingredients in the ingredient panel. Corrective actions are being taken.

Weight Watchers Chocolate Protein Stix and Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Protein Stix bear an unauthorized OK kosher symbol.

Weight Watchers Chocolate Protein Stix and Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Protein Stix bear an unauthorized OK kosher symbol.

01 Adar 5778 - February 16, 2018

Please be advised that Weight Watchers Chocolate Protein Stix and Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Protein Stix bear an unauthorized OK kosher symbol. These products are NOT certified by OK Kosher Certification. Corrective actions are being taken.

gift trays may need to be toiveled if they will be further reused for food use

gift trays may need to be toiveled if they will be further reused for food use

30 Shevat 5778 - February 15, 2018

Please be advised: gift trays may need to be toiveled if they will be further reused for food use. According to Jewish law, the proprietor is not required to perform tevilas keilim but the consumer may be obligated to do so. Please consult your personal Rav.

WOW Air is displaying an unauthorized OK kosher symbol on their menus for flights departing from Tel Aviv

WOW Air is displaying an unauthorized OK kosher symbol on their menus for flights departing from Tel Aviv

21 Shevat 5778 - February 6, 2018

Please be advised that WOW Air is displaying an unauthorized OK kosher symbol on their menus for flights departing from Tel Aviv. These meals are NOT certified by OK Kosher Certification. Corrective actions are being taken.

Red Bird Dark Chocolate Covered Peppermint Puffs were mistakenly labeled with a plain OK symbol, instead of the required OK-D

Red Bird Dark Chocolate Covered Peppermint Puffs were mistakenly labeled with a plain OK symbol, instead of the required OK-D

13 Shevat 5778 - January 29, 2018

Please be advised that A limited amount of Red Bird Dark Chocolate Covered Peppermint Puffs of Piedmont Candy Company (Lexington, NC 27292) were mistakenly labeled with a plain OK symbol, instead of the required OK-D . This product is certified kosher and dairy, as per the ingredient list. Corrective actions were taken.

A limited products of Dee’s Snacks were mistakenly labeled with a plain OK symbol, instead of the required OK-D

A limited products of Dee’s Snacks were mistakenly labeled with a plain OK symbol, instead of the required OK-D

9 Shevat 5778 - January 25, 2018

Please be advised that A limited number of the following products sold by Dee’s Snacks were mistakenly labeled with a plain OK symbol, instead of the required OK-D .
These products are kosher and dairy, as per the ingredient list and allergen statement. Products Name are Dee’s Banana Pudding Peanuts
Dee’s Cool Ranch & Sriracha Peanuts
Dee’s Dill Pickle Peanuts
Dee’s Pizza Peanuts Action Corrective actions were taken.