The Rosh Hashanah Simanim

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On Rosh Hashana night we eat a variety of foods as simanim, including apple dipped in honey, fenugreek, carrots, leeks, cabbage, dates, pomegranate, fish and more.

As with all fruits and vegetables, it is necessary to be careful to ensure that the simanim are bug free.

For a comprehensive list and detailed instructions on how to wash/check different produce, please download the OK Kosher Vegetable Checking app for iOS and Android or visit Vegetable Guide – OK Kosher .

Care should be taken to wash and check leafy greens such as fenugreek, cabbage, and leeks properly before consuming.
Dates should be opened and visually inspected before eating.

For Green & Purple Cabbage:
Clean the cabbage by removing all dirt and unclean layers.

Separate all leaves and soak in water with Veggie Wash/liquid soap for 5 minutes. Empty basin by removing cabbage with both hands (holding loosely) in small bunches and rinsing under running water.

Soak and agitate in clean water without soap for about 3 minutes. Then pour the water through a fine mesh cloth and check the cloth with a strong overhead light
or lightbox. If insects are found repeat the process until the cloth is insect-free.

If, after checking the third time, there are still insects, the cabbage should not be used.

For Stuffed Cabbage:
Freeze cabbage heads for 48 hours. Allow cabbage to defrost. Wash both sides of each leaf under a strong stream of running water (preferably with a sponge), ensuring that water reaches all folds and crevices of the cabbage leaves.

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