OK Kosher Holds Annual International Field Representative Conference

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On Monday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev (December 2), OK Kosher held its annual international Mashgiach Conference at Ulam Chana in Brooklyn, NY. Hundreds of rabbis from across the globe gathered for a morning of chizuk and learning. Participants were gifted the newest sefer from Chassidus Mevueres.

Speakers included Rabbi Chaim Fogelman, Rabbi Shlomo Weinfeld and Rabbi Sholom Ber Hendel, members of the OK Executive Vaad HaKashrus; Rabbi Eli Lando, Executive Manager; Rabbi Avi Rapoport, Rabbinic Coordinator and Manager of the Israel affiliate office; Rabbi Etan Mayo, Private Label Department; Rabbi Hendel Weingarten, Field Representative; Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm of L’maan Yilmedu, spoke about the partnership with OK Kosher in teaching Hilchos Kashering and Kashrus; Rabbi Sholom Kesselman, West Coast Food Service Coordinator and Director of Consumer Outreach; and, finally, a video highlight of the OK Winery Mashgiach Conference held in Israel.

The conference was immediately followed by a grand siyum Sefer Torah (completion of a Torah scroll) in memory of longtime Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Don Yoel Levy OB”M. Rabbi Levy served at the helm of OK Kosher for over 30 years, until his untimely passing in 2020.

The event was attended by rabbis, family, and friends from around the world. Notable guests included Rav Menachem M. Weissmandl, Rav of Nitra Monsey; Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, Nirbater Rav; Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO of OU Kosher; Rabbi Ari Senter, Kashrus Administrator of Kof-K; Rabbi Danny Senter, Kof-K; Rabbi Saul Emanuel, Director of Montreal Kosher (MK); Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch; Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, Shaliach to Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine; Rabbi Mordechai Abergel, Chief Rabbi of Singapore; and Lt. Special Assignment Yitzy Jablonsky of the NYPD.

After the completion of the letters, the Sefer Torah was danced through the streets of Crown Heights. Lively hakafos in the shul and seudah followed the procession. The siyum was opened with warm words from Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky who spoke of Rabbi Levy’s dedication to helping him and his family and shluchim worldwide. Words of chizuk and remembrance were shared by Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld, Rav Menachem M. Weissmandl, Rabbi Yitzchok Hanoka, Devorah Leah Chein, and Rabbi Chaim Fogelman.


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