Navigating Your Kosher Certification Program

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In This Article:

Welcome to your Guide to Expert Support from OK Kosher Why Implement A Kosher Certification Program? Let’s Begin with an Initial Introduction and Setup Maintaining Kosher Certification Digital Kosher Streamlining Your Kosher Certification Product Label Approval Ingredient and Product Approval Expanding Your Kosher Program Private Labeling Communication and Issue Resolution Still have questions? We’re here to help.

Welcome to your Guide to Expert Support from OK Kosher

Navigating the kosher certification process might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. At OK Kosher, we’re committed to making this journey clear and straightforward. Our expert support ensures that every step is thoroughly explained, helping you make the most of your kosher certification program.

If you are reading this blog, you are likely looking to obtain a kosher certificate, manage kosher compliance in your facility, or broaden your knowledge. Regardless of your specific interest, this post aims to provide you with a general understanding of why kosher certification is important, how the certification process works, and how OK Kosher is uniquely equipped to support our clients.

We’re here to help. If you need to contact us, please feel free to reach out at

Why Implement A Kosher Certification Program?

Kosher certification provides strategic benefits that significantly enhance marketability, consumer trust, and economic potential. By implementing a kosher certification program, businesses can enjoy increased market reach, strengthened consumer confidence, superior product quality, and distinctive brand differentiation.

Let’s Begin with an Initial Introduction and Setup

At OK Kosher, we’ve developed a system to help our clients navigate all kosher certification matters with ease, ensuring they comply with certification standards. Each certified company, no matter the size or location, is assigned a Rabbinic Coordinator and a dedicated Account Representative who are always available to assist you. Your Account Representative is familiar with every department at OK Kosher and works closely with your Rabbinic Coordinator and Field Representative. They will take the time to understand your company, products, and kosher needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out whenever you need assistance or are unsure of what to do.

Once your kosher application process is completed, you’ll be introduced to your Account Representative. An initial virtual meeting is a great opportunity to get acquainted and review OK Kosher requirements. Your Account Representative will help you set up and use Digital Kosher, our online portal for submitting ingredients and product formulas and accessing your kosher certificates. They will provide a brief tutorial on using the site. If you transport your products in bulk (ISO tanks, ship compartments, trucks, rail cars, etc.), you will need to use our online transport app to have the transport approved. Here too, your Account Representative will guide you through the process and show you the ropes.

Maintaining Kosher Certification

To make your kosher certification program effective, the following basic steps are essential.

  • Designated Personnel:
  • Ingredient Management:
    • Ingredients to be used in the facility must be submitted to OK Kosher for verification and approval prior to being received and used in the facility. This also applies when adding or changing a supplier for an existing ingredient.
    • All ingredients must be inspected by Receiving for compliance with the OK Ingredient List. The ingredient should match the OK list by vendor, product name and proper kosher symbol where applicable .(see OK Kosher Group System post).
  • Product Approval – How to obtain a Kosher certificate for your product:
    • A complete formula (list of ingredients – amounts and ratios are not needed) must be submitted for each product to be certified.
    • When the product is approved, a K-ID and kosher certificate will be issued.
  • Labels:
    • The OK symbol can be displayed only on products that have been approved and a kosher certificate has been issued. These will be listed on the OK Product List.
  • Production:
    • New equipment or significant changes to the process must be reported in advance.
    • No part of the process may be done in an outside facility not listed in the certification agreement without prior written approval from the OK.
  • Renewal: At the end of each one-year certification term, you will be contacted by our Renewal department with steps to update your kosher certificates for the new certification year. The Renewal process will be discussed in depth in a future blog post.

Digital Kosher: Streamlining Your Kosher Certification

Digital Kosher is OK Kosher’s online portal designed to streamline the management of your kosher certification program. Here’s how Digital Kosher can benefit you:

  1. Ingredient and Product Submission: Digital Kosher allows you to submit new ingredients and product formulas for approval quickly and efficiently. You can track the status of your submissions and receive notifications when approvals are granted.
  2. Access to Kosher Certificates: With Digital Kosher, you can easily access and download your kosher certificates. This ensures that you always have the most up-to-date documentation for your products, which can also be essential for maintaining compliance.
  3. Training and Support: The Miscellaneous column of your Digital Kosher homepage has a link to our Plant Manual (“Kosher Certifying Agency Manual”). It is an excellent overview of kosher and the requirements and procedures for facilities that manufacture OK Kosher products. Your Account Representative will be happy to offer personalized training sessions and support to ensure you maximize the benefits of Digital Kosher.

Product Label Approval

OK Kosher reviews product labels to ensure the appropriate kosher symbol is used and that placement is correct. Your Account Representative is your go-to person for sending in label proofs. They’ll have them reviewed and let you know if they are approved or if something needs to be revised.

Ingredient and Product Approval

If you’ve submitted a new ingredient or product for approval but haven’t heard back, a quick call or email to your Account Representative will help resolve the issue. Sometimes a submitted ingredient can’t be approved for various reasons. Your Account Representative will explain the situation and suggest possible solutions. They may even be able to recommend alternatives if the one you’ve submitted is not acceptable for use in OK Kosher products.

Expanding Your Kosher Program

When your business is thriving and you’re ready to add a new facility to your kosher program, your Account Representative will guide you through the process and liaise with OK’s New Accounts Department to ensure everything is done timely and efficiently.

Private Labeling

Do you have a customer who wants you to private label for them and use the OK kosher symbol on their labels? Your Account Representative can assist you by connecting you to the designated department. Read more about the 4 Steps to Add Value to Your Private Label Brand with Kosher Certification in an earlier post here.

Communication and Issue Resolution

When an issue arises, or OK Kosher requires information or a new submission from you, your Account Representative will be the one to contact you and explain what is needed. You can expect to hear from your Rabbinic Coordinator on matters that directly impact the kosher status of your facility, but your Account Representative will be there alongside the Rabbinic Coordinator to help you navigate and resolve these issues, achieving outcomes that satisfy everyone’s needs.

OK Kosher is a globally recognized kosher certification agency, renowned for maintaining the highest possible kosher standards. The trademark OK symbol on your product labels represents our motto: Kosher without Compromise. Your OK Kosher team – Rabbinic Coordinator, Field Rep, and Account Representative – are in place to help you navigate every aspect of your kosher certification program.

Still have questions? We’re here to help.

Meet with your Account Representative or Certification Specialist to virtually discuss your account needs or to open a new one. If you need to contact us, please feel free to reach out.

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