Fudgy Chocolate Bundt Cake
pareve – yields 1 large Bundt cake – freezer friendly
My friend Melinda Strauss is an expert at baking gluten free and paleo, and she kindly volunteered to create the perfect Bundt cake for my book. Batch after batch of Bundt cakes emerged from my oven, until we finally had one that had everyone saying, “This is Pesach cake?!”
2½ cups almond flour
1 cup cocoa powder
½ cup potato starch
1 Tablespoon instant coffee granules
1½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon kosher salt
1½ cups sugar
½ cup oil
1 Tablespoon imitation vanilla extract
6 eggs
- Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a Bundt pan well; set aside.
- In a small bowl, whisk together almond flour, cocoa powder, potato starch, coffee, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
- In a separate bowl, whisk together sugar, oil, vanilla, and eggs. Add dry ingredients; stir to combine.
- Pour batter into Bundt pan; bake 40-45 minutes, until toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Set aside to cool completely in the pan. Remove from pan; glaze with Coffee Glaze, below.
Coffee Glaze
1 cup powdered sugar
1 Tablespoon brewed coffee
1 teaspoon oil
- In a small bowl, whisk together all ingredients to form a glaze. If the glaze is too thick to pour, add water, one teaspoon at a time, until desired texture is reached.
- Pour glaze over cooled cake.
Reproduced from Perfect for Pesach by Naomi Nachman with permission from the copyright holders ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications, LTD