Dear Reader- Chanukah 5777

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Chaim-Fogelman-144x144Dear Reader,

Today, kosher consumers are more vigilant and scrupulous than ever; they expect the highest standards and immediate answers to their questions.

Gone are the days when the kosher consumer blindly relied on the certifying rabbi and organization without questioning their protocols and decisions. In the age of transparency and easy access to a world of information at one’s fingertips, consumers have become accustomed to quick replies and answers to all of their inquiries.

At OK Kosher we have kept up with the needs of the kosher consumer, as well.  And no one knew this more up-close and personal than Mrs. Miriam Wudowsky, a”h. For the past 20 years, Mrs. Wudowsky patiently answered your kosher related questions and managed the OK Kosher Consumers’ desk. Mrs. Wudowsky also sent out all of the OK Kosher kashrus alerts to other kashrus agencies, media outlets, as well as to many individual consumers. These alerts are vital and the first call of action to let the public know the latest status of any given product.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Wudowsky returned her neshomah to her Creator right before Yom Kippur, leaving a vacuum not only at the OK, but to thousands of kosher consumers throughout the world, who knew her voice but never saw her face.  In this issue, in honor of Mrs. Wudowsky, OBM, we dedicate an article on Kosher Alerts, to give you a bit of an insight of why and how they are done.

Mrs. Wudowsky is survived by her children and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, BA”H, who will certainly miss her. Here at OK Kosher, her presence and friendly smile are greatly missed as well.

May Miriam bas Meir Dov rest in peace and be a gutter better on behalf of us all.

Rabbi Chaim Fogelman
Editor in Chief

Rabbi Chaim Fogelman is a member of the OK Kosher Vaad HaKashrus.

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